Background and History
The Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas is located in Dallas, Texas and we answer calls throughout the DFW Metroplex. Our Texas crisis hotline has been in continuous operation since 1968. (Read more about our history from Founding Chair Dr. Cliff Jones.)
Housing for the center is provided by the Meadows Foundation in the Beilharz block of the Wilson Historic District near downtown Dallas, Texas.
A 28-member governing board oversees the activities of the center. Board members come from business, the professions, universities, and community service. A Clinical Advisory Board of mental health professionals advises the agency director and staff.
An AAS-Certified Agency
The Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas is one of fewer than 80 centers nationwide to have achieved certification by the American Association of Suicidology, the national accrediting body for suicide prevention and crisis intervention centers.
24-Hour Texas Crisis Hotline
Each month, 1,500 people in crisis call us at 214.828.1000 to speak to a trained, caring counselor. Anytime, day or night, someone always answers.
Survivors of Suicide (SOS)
A support program providing a safe space to share and hear suicide stories. This group is facilitated by trained counselors for family and friends of those who have completed suicide in Dallas, TX and the wider North Texas area.
Crisis Debriefing Services
Trained teams visit schools or businesses within 48 hours of a suicide, meeting with and counseling groups intimately affected by the suicide in Dallas, TX and surrounding areas.
In-Service Training
Our professional staff regularly provides consultation and in-service seminars for schools, hospitals, and other professionals dealing with high-intensity crisis.
Speakers’ Bureau
Trained speakers experienced in suicide prevention and crisis intervention are regularly invited to make presentations throughout the community.
Learn about all the programs that The Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas offers.